Monday, March 12, 2012

One 'FAT' Quarter

Have you heard this old adage?  A farmer friend of mine used to say "Eat it up" for the first line! It goes like this:
Use it up,
Wear it out,
Make do or
Do without!

Well, recently,   I had a novelty print fabric with some cute turtles on it and decided to 'use it up'.  I titled this post "One FAT quarter" but, as I think of it, I believe there was more like a third to a half yard of it. I really didn't mark it down. Anyway, I strive to not have leftovers, so I spent the afternoon using up this particular piece of fabric!  Look at what I ended up making--of course, by adding a few other fabrics from my stash! 

Two (2) crayon roll-ups with a matching fabric, two (2) little 'Anything Bag' zipper pouches (one I gave to my sister) and a pillowcase edging using some white fabric that I also had.  I did a post on Friday about the pillowcase, titled "Last but Not Least" which strikes me now as funny and so appropriate since it is a pokey turtle!  The remaining items are now available in my shop.  

It was a fun afternoon and I felt like I had accomplished something!   When is the last time you felt that way?


Sweet Posy Dreams said...

The contrasting fabric goes very well with the turtle print. Love the crayon holder.

Splendid Little Stars said...

The crayon holder is so cute! The turtles are very fun!

FabricFascination said...

A day well spent makes for a good night's sleep. The turtle fabric is very cute.

SarahBeth said...

Love the cute turtle fabric! It's perfect for your crayon holders!

Unknown said...

Waste not want not. The crayon holders are lovely

Unknown said...

Waste not want not. The crayon holders are lovely

Anonymous said...

So cute!! Glad you got to use up a material. I too feel so accomplished when I can do that. For now I've still got stacks and stacks of fabric!

Memories for Life said...

That's so great! I have SOOOOOO many pieces left over from projects that I need to find new uses for!
You came up with so many cute ideas for that FAT quarter :)

Rose Clearfield said...

Your turtles are so cute! I hope that these new items do well. I haven't felt like I used up something that way in quite a while.

storybeader said...

I love that fabric! That's the great thing about fabric - it's fun to use it up! {:-D

momto8 said...

yes..I could see why you would feel happy over this accomplishment! a great use of fabric!!
I never heard that saying..but I LOVE it!

Kaili Williams said...

Excellent work! I sure could benefit from that saying...I have so much fabric & art supplies sitting around waiting to be used ;)

Judy Nolan said...

Thrifty, creative and productive! Great use of fabric, Linda!