I've been out of the blog habit for a bit because of a ton of family events. A vacation of sorts! So here is the recap of my life lately:
My birthday was on the 30th of June and most all of my kids and their families were on hand to celebrate:
Bella Jo helping me blow out my candles! |
I didn't get any pictures of our 4th of July Celebration because I was ill. I went and laid on the couch all afternoon then went home before the fireworks began. But everyone else had fun with new friends, swimming, BBQ, home made ice cream, and fireworks!
Then the next day we went camping. All of us! All of my kids and their families who live in the area and a few friends too! There were 45 of us! We had the circle end of the campground to ourselves and had a great time!
DIL Annie and grand Ada. |
Plenty of relaxin'. Plenty of visitin'. Nice weather!
Swimming at the dock!
Far left corner, Vivi, then Raya, Julilee, Bella, Roman and mom |
Even the littles!
And then there was a Hillbilly Golf tournament! Which my SIL won!
SIL Terry and grand Cassandra in the last heat. |
Then we topped it off every night with the campfire and s'mores! Great Fun! (Although the picture is not very clear, but you get the feel of the day.)
It was a great extended holiday! Now back to the crafting biz! See you tomorrow!