The other day I went to the market. I only had a budget of $20 dollars so I proceded to get just the staples, you know: milk, bread, butter, eggs, some hamburger, and some fresh veggies. I went to the dairy case, and . . . thought it was a little strange, when a lady approached me about my choice of milk. She said that I shouldn't buy 1% milk, that I should buy whole milk. I just smiled and moved farther down the isle to get my butter and eggs. At the meat counter, I encountered another customer giving me a frown, when I was picking out my hamburger. I don't know why, since I always buy the leanest meats that I can buy. After the produce department, while I was at the check-out counter, the clerk proceeded to tell me that I wasn't buying enough! She packed my bag with some nuts, cereal, and a big bag of apples. As she began ringing it all up, I protested, and she wouldn't listen to me! She just kept going on about how I needed to eat better, and care for myself better--I was outraged! She didn't know me! She didn't even know what I had at home in the refrigerator, nor what I liked, nor what I was able to eat! Continuing to protest, saying also, that I only had a budget of $20, she turned to the man at the end of the counter who informed me that I had to take ALL the items! And if I didn't, there would be a security officer at the door that would fine me! And further more, he said that when I come shopping next time, I was only to be allowed to shop on the left side of the store! I know you can guess that I will never shop at that store again!!! I don't live in a third world country, nor do I live in a communist country! Seriously! Allowing anyone to take away our personal freedoms, is positively Un-American!!