Thursday, September 2, 2010

September? Already?

It doesn't seem right. September already? Here in Oregon, we've barely had any summer. One short hot spell, the rest was really nice. I liked it, but some others, here, would have preferred a warmer summer. And in actuality, my garden would have done better with some more heat. My tomatoes and peppers are heat loving plants, and although they are on my patio and get the most sun there, it was, generally still too cool for them this summer. After this last heat wave in the end of August, I finally got some ripe veggies! This is what I picked today, the first crop of the summer and summer is almost over!!!

Had some of these peppers in a vegetable dish for supper. It was my daughter's recipe. She has a great little blog that you should visit.

I'm sure she'll post this recipe soon. Until then, check out the other recipes that she has.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Your garden did better than my tomatoes (all I planted) I got a few Sun Gold tomatoes that were yummy.