Monday, April 16, 2012

Goals Recap

Early in the year, I made some goals for my self, creatively and for my business.  I thought it might be time to revisit these goals and see how I am doing.

1)  I wanted to raise my ratio of Favorites vs Sales.  A quick look at this tells me that I am not doing very well, it has dropped about 5 % although my views are up!  I still have my suspicions that other Etsians are clicking favorites to get them into their activity feed as a way of promoting their friends and things that they like. This is not bad if it gets more views, but the goal is sales.  My views have been up for the first quarter and so have my sales, so that is good, but still not where I want them.

2)  I wanted a venue for unloading my existing jewelry.  I have been giving away, mostly to family, my jewelry.  I still need to approach a local craft and vendor brick and mortar shop about carrying my jewelry.  Haven't done that yet. 

3)  I wanted to add a few new coaster designs.  I have added a few, like this one in the triple patchwork design, but still need to work on something new and creative for that line.

4)  I have not done well on adding new vintage fabrics in my supply shop.  I found a contact that was interested in looking for fabrics for me, but she hasn't gotten back to me yet.  Here's hoping!

Now, after this evaluation, I need to look at my individual items and see what is being viewed and favored.  That should take a while, but worth the time in purging stock from my shop.  I may report back on this, we will see.  And for my personal goals---I'll save my personal creativity goals for another post.

 How are you doing with your goals?


storybeader said...

those are good goals! I should pay more attention to my shop... but I don't! Maybe if I see what is selling well, by section, that will help. Good analysis - thanks for the wrap-up! {:-D

Splendid Little Stars said...

I think having your items favorited will eventually lead to more sales. I favorite items for a variety of reasons, one f which may be to put them in a treasury.
I seem to have more sales when I promote on etsy via team threads.
Who knows why an item sells at a particular time. Really, I WOULD like to know the answer to this mystery. For example, I'll have an item that is sold and relisted a number of times, and then expires on the last relisting. Recently someone ordered a shirt that I didn't even have listed.

Good luck with meeting your goals. No matter what, you do have direction. So eventually you will get there.

Rose Clearfield said...

Great goals! Good luck with everything. I am not doing great with my Etsy sales goal for 2012, but my other goals are going well for the most part. I am still having regular Etsy sales, just not as many as I'd hoped.

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

Congratulations to you for keeping track of how you are doing in terms of your goals.

I don't know about the favorites. I have a couple of items that have been favorited numerous times and still no sale. I have checked pricing compared to similar products. Who knows? (I sell vintage, so it is different than handcrafts.)

Morph Waffle said...

Good luck with everything! It sounds like you know exactly what you should be doing! I've been working on a big goal of mine, that's why I've been ignoring poor little blogland!