The second old quilt in my collection was a castaway from a senior living resident. He had several old quilts that his mother had made, and since he was downsizing, he wanted me to take several blankets including this particular quilt to the "Goodwill" or "just get rid of them". I did. I got rid of the quilt to my house!
Although it has a few stains, and has deteriorating thread, I love the pattern and the hand work that it represents. It has a white center with colorful fans and a wide blue band for a border and backing. It is intricately quilted, which I love!! I don't know if you can see the patterned quilting in this blue section, but if you click on the picture, it will open a window with a black background and maybe you can see it better. The edging sports a quilted feather border with separate quilted section of braid creating a border around the white interior portion.
Between and around each fan, there are quilt lines one inch apart creating small blocks, or diamonds. You can see the cross hatched pattern better in this picture of the top. The fans are stitched with a separate pattern.
The fans with yellow centers, are quarter circle size and added in a different way than I have seen before--point to point. I call this quilt my "Kissing Fish" quilt. (Can you see them?) Also top of the fan block is not circular, rather, it is pointed. (I have some fans that a lady gave to me--not quilted--that I will show you in a later Yesteryear--Tuesday--post. Watch for it! )
Kissing Fish |
These last two pictures show the fabrics used. They are obviously old, but not sure from what decade! Anyone venture a guess?
Next week, another old quilt! It's a Grandmother's Garden pattern. See you then, for another Yesteryear gem!