Thinking about Cathy's proposal, Abby took out a pad of paper to list the pros and cons. She was definitely for the proposal but she was wondering about the timing. With harvest season at hand and the the possible shortness of laborers, Abby just didn't know if she wanted to commit to a new venture, even if it was beneficial to Thomas House.
Hearing a scream at the back door, Abigail quickly left the pad and pencil lying on the table and ran toward the sound. She found Owen frozen in his steps, staring at a snake under the back steps! Abby grabbed a broom from the corner of the porch and banged the handle on the wooden step. The garter snake quickly slithered away down the back wall of the house and on into the field.
Scampering up the steps, Owen said, "Grandma, I 'm not scared of snakes, it just startled me! I didn't expect to see it there. Sorry to alarm you!"
"I know, Owen. You understand how snakes are good for us in controlling the mice and other derogatory critters around here. Come on in, and get a cookie! What did you need?"
"Oh, nothing. I just finished my chores and wanted to see what you are doing. Mom's busy sewing, and Paddy's playing a game with his friend."
"So, would you like to play a game with me? How about dominoes?" Abby asked. As she went to the game cupboard under the book shelves, she thought more about having another "little one" in the house . . . .
P.S. Please check out my son's site, Diamond Back Trading Cards. Educational cards for children and nature enthusiasts. Thanks, Linda
Good thing Abby knows how to take care of those snakes!
Off to check out your son's site :)
Snakes are the one thing that make me cringe, even when I know they are harmless ones.
Just keep repeating to self, "Snakes are good for controlling the mice..."
They still give me the creeps!
ewww, snakes. I do not like snakes.
surprise snakes...not as fun as the expected ones :) They deserve a screech
Never have minded snakes, as long as they were outside. I had a cat, though, that used to lovingly bring me live ones, and drop them at my feet. Amazing how fast a person can go from floor to sitting on a countertop, isn't it?
Off to see your son's site now...
Snakes are good as long as they stay away form me. I almost ran over one with my bike last summer. And I almost stepped on one in my yard.
off to check out your son's site...
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