When I thought of Abigail, I thought of a romantic patchwork and lace table cloth covering a small round patio table holding one lone tea cup and saucer and a book. The book is romantic too, but a mystery, where hours could be wiled away in the pursuit of an answer. A huge oak tree branches out over the patio grape arbor providing shade and coolness for the afternoon. A few short steps away, is the kitchen garden, waiting for attention after the reading is over.
Am I a loner? Am I lazy? Do I live in a dream world? Yes, no, and no. I am somewhat of a loner, not given to excessive babbling about nothing. I'm industrious, but I like my down time. I love the lonely, lazy down time between passionate pursuits of purpose. And my purpose for today, a Romantic patchwork tablecloth with lace and an occasional cup of tea at stopping points.

My stash of pastel romantic fabrics and my tea cup! I'm off to create . . . .
Oooo...can't wait to see what you make with these :)
I want to see how this turns out!
lovely colors and that is a great cup! Can't wait to see your creation.
how cool! love to see the end product!
such a pretty setting for a story.
...passionate pursuits of purpose..
What a great phrase! I will be looking forward to see how this project turns out.
Love the fabric colors! I agree with Cozy - passionate pursuits of purpose... What a wonderful way to put it! Very fun to get to know Abby =)
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