The holiday craft show season is coming upon us
all too soon!
I have been checking for some new venues to display my wares. I have purchase some display props for my jewelry line and am anxious to use them. Right now, several shows are planned, one in September, one in October and two or three in November. There is a possibility of one in December, but we will see.

What is your greatest tip for craft shows? Share with me in the comment section and become eligible for one of my hand painted angel gift bags. I will randomly choose a winner on August 31st. So, come on, participate and comment here!

Looking forward to all your comments!
Display is the most important thing. It must highlight your items and show them as wonderful and desirable. And do mark your prices clearly on all items. Most people do not want to ask.
A cute young person to sell your items doesn't hurt either. I used to take my daughter with me. Who could resist her?!
I once heard not to say "do you have any questions?" or something like that because the automatic response is "no thank you, just looking" and that's the end of conversation. Instead say informative, engaging things like "I made those with...". I'm not sure if it works but I do know I don't like sales ladies coming up to me in stores asking if they can help so maybe it's true!
*lol* and I was thinking of things like 'take lots of change' and 'don't forget your water'... Totally true about not asking to help - volunteer a story. People connect with stories so tell the story of why you made the item and what it means to you.
And, yeah - cute kiddos really do help! LOL - who can resist?
All the above is good advice. Will you let us know or Me know where you will be at and the dates? I'd love to come and meet you and see your work.
Acknowlege each person with a simple hello, but don't jump all over them. I hate when people ignore me, but I also hate when they won't leave me alone!
Also...put prices on every item or make group pricing easily seen.
Love the angel bags :)
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