Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday Sketches - Chick Time!

This is for Sunday Sketches hosted by Sophia of BlueChairDiary. Visit her post today and see all the other participant's sketches!

With Spring here TODAY officially and Easter approaching, I decided to do a sketch that reflects  the newness of the season.  Enjoy!


Deanna said...

OMG - they are too cute! What is it about little chicks that make you feel so warm and fuzzy inside?

Sinderella's Studio said...

PERFECT...spring and easter!!! Great sketch - I agree with Deanna - so warm and fuzzy!
cheers, dana

Marlene said...

Really great sketches Linda, I keep forgetting Easter is close at hand and that all the baby chicks and bunnies are being born. I will have to visit the feed store and see what little cuties they have.

Melisa said...

Adorable little chickies! They definitely say Spring.

Debbie said...

Love the cute little chicks! xoxo

Christine said...

cute little chicks! welcome spring.

Heather said...

YAY for Spring. Your chicks are sooo very cute! Perfect way to welcome the first day of spring! Have a great evening!

Judy Nolan said...

What sweet chicks! (Wish I could draw like you.) I have a soft spot in my heart for all birds.

Julia Christie said...

Hi Linda
These little fellas are really cute! There is nothing like a fresh batch of chicks to make you think of spring! You have captured them delightfully!


Jenny said...

those are such cute little chicks! i just want to rub their feathers.

CoconutPalmDesigns said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, your chicks! They are adorable!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and weighing in on the new design.

Cheers :-)
- CoconutPalmDesigns

Lenora said...

Wonderful and sooo spring! You really captured them, movement and all! Just saw Charlotte's Web play too - we are doing the farm ting today!

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh what a cute sketch. I love how the first chicken looks stroppy :)

Memories for Life said...

What cuties :)
I'm so glad Spring is here and I'm so ready for Easter and family get-togethers too!

storybeader said...

how cute! so happy the weather is nice! {:-D

Jenn Bower said...

Very adorable. I am such a huge fan of sketch art/line art. There is such a truthfulness to those lines that seem to lose their luster when I begin to work them over in color. I am like you and love the newness of spring, and wish that sometimes there was a pause button to life that allowed for those cute little chicks to stay forever youthful.

Jenn Bower said...

Very adorable. I am such a huge fan of sketch art/line art. There is such a truthfulness to those lines that seem to lose their luster when I begin to work them over in color. I am like you and love the newness of spring, and wish that sometimes there was a pause button to life that allowed for those cute little chicks to stay forever youthful.

Kristin Dudish said...

So, so sweet - I love how you handled the fluff!


Erika said...

Super sweet and precious! These little chicks are perfect for the season.

Hannah said...

Sweet. Great sketch :)

Reflections said...

Cute piece... love to see the little ones.