When I was a child, school starting right after Labor Day was the norm. Summer was ending, although it was still hot outside. I remember sitting in my new classroom, at my new desk, dressed in new duds right down to the shoes, and sweltering in the heat because the rooms were not air conditioned. I lived in a hot climate where the temps outside could be still in the high nineties. But, none-the-less, excited about being back in school. I liked school even though I was extremely shy about meeting new kids.
Now, my grand kids have gone back to school, last week; and each one is sharing their exciting experiences of newness: new school, new friends, new rooms and new teachers! I've enjoyed their stories, and seeing them blossom in the new year! Go kids! Go teachers! Learn! Learn! Learn!
yep, I remember those days of not going back to school till after Labor Day. Since I joined the bloggy world, it seems that there are still others who go back this late. Around here, school can start as early as the 2nd week in August. When my daughter was in first grade, and there was no air conditioning, her teacher would take the kids outside and hose them down. (This was a good thing!)
PS How great that you now have grandkids who share their experiences with you!
I was always so excited about the new school year as a child and then later as a teacher. Though I did have those dreams about forgetting my locker combination or my class schedule--even in college!
Aw, we miss this classroom.
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