A simple gift from a simple woman who filled her extra time slots, between chores, with crafting artistry.
I'm in the midst of reading a book, The Missing, by Beverly Lewis. (I've added to my recommendations in the right hand column.) As it is set in Amish country, the author takes great pains to describe life among the plain folk. I guess that is why I enjoy reading her books; they take me away to a simple life, unlike our own.
In one portion that I just read, it described a grandmother tatting a trim of a handkerchief. [Pg 155.] It was to be given to her next younger sister for a birthday present. A simple gift from a simple woman who filled her extra time slots, between chores, with crafting artistry. While I marveled at the craft of tatting, it seems such a lost art, I imagined the hankie with it's delicate edging. But more than that, I wondered at the gift. Today, in our lifestyle, people have so many material possessions that a little hankie would not even be thought of for a gift. And if we did think of it, we would be possibly confused at which one to "buy", thinking that the sister would have several already, or want a particular style of hankie. (That is assuming that she even use hankies anymore, what with Kleenex and Puffs so available now.)
I hope this this glint of another lifestyle helps me, and you, to consider our own lifestyle; and especially, for those of us who are crafters, to consider how we can be grateful for the little skills and talents of those who still use their talents within our own families. Go ahead, heap some praise on someone today for their creations!
The picture at the top of this post is of a creation using vintage tatting. The picture at the bottom of this post is of a crafter who does her own tatting. You may visit each shop by clicking on the picture.

What a thoughtful post. I, too, have thought of these things often, as I see people rush to buy more and more for as little as possible. Reading books of old (the Little House series comes to mind), you see how people treasured some of their very few possessions. And treasures were handed down to newer generations. With so many possessions to now take care of, little time is available to spend just being with other people.
See now I'm on a soapbox!
what you wrote about reminded me of my aunt, who gave me some tablecloths she decorated... nothing special, and a little stained, but it meant a lot to me, and I think to her, after my father (her brother) died.
Very pretty book cover at the top. Went my nzjo's shop.
I love your post! I haven't read any of her books in awhile, but the crafty bits of those books always stuck out at me :)
Loved this post, and the photos of the little lace covered book and necklace too, plus the book your reading sounds like a good one. I like reading about faraway, simpler times. You may enjoy Diane's lovely blog. She is a wonderful tatter. Her blog is http://lacelovinlibrarian.blogspot.com/ Hugs, Paulette ;0
Tatting is such a beautiful form of art, so delicate! If someone gave me a tatted hanky I would still use the Kleenix, and frame the hanky!
Tatting is so cool...love that top picture!
Very pretty! That keychain looks like JoNnz's work! I have some christmas stocking she made that have some tatting on them. She says she received a big box of tatted doilies from some man who didn't want them.
The necklace that Snappy Tatter did is pretty, too!
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