Saturday, September 3, 2011

Afternoon Nap - Sunday Sketches

From our vantage point on our patio, our view is straight into three pine trees about twenty feet up from the ground.  Many times we have seen squirrels pick out a comfortable limb and sprawl out on it for a quick nap.  Sometimes they cradle their head in their arms like a human.  Other times they hang their arms down around the branch.  This one, today, backed up to the trunk with his tail up, although we have seen them with their tails hanging straight down over the side.  I decided to sketch this behaviour today.  Enjoy!

This is for Sunday Sketches presented over at Blue Chair Diary.  Have a look at all the other sketches, if you have time. 


WrightStuff said...

Well, I've never seen a squirrel napping before so thanks for sharing! Bet it's a great sight. I wonder if any of them ever fall??

Unknown said...

Great sketch...I've never seen a squirrel taking a nap either.... they usually skitting about being very busy... :)

Joni Nickrent said...

Oh, too cute. I've been in Illinois the past week and have seen these little ones running around like crazy! Mischief makers for sure...I like the nap idea! Happy Sunday Sketches! POP ART MINIS

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful sketch & you are right ~ they love do that napping thing that you captured so well! ~ thanks for sharing, namaste, CArol (Share the Creative Journey) (^_^)

Heather said...

it's not a cat nap but a squirrel nap! I love it...we have a lot of squirrels where i live, you've got me curious now - too look for sleeping squirrels. great sketch!

Kristin Dudish said...

Very cool - we have lots of squirrels in my neighborhood, but they always seem so frantically busy... I've never seen one napping! I'll have to keep my eyes out for that :)


Lenora said...

I have seen squirrels resting like that - nice lines, you have captured their cheekiness! we have sooo many squirrels and i love them!

m7 said...

i have never seen a squirrel sleep..lovely sketch! this reminds me of something i sketched when i was 6..will look for it n probably share it in Sunday sketches next time. :)
love the it charcoal pencil? the black is so dark, it's nice.

Christine said...

Interesting observations, and a nice sketch!

Virtual Boy said...

What an adorable squirrel~ There are squirrels at my parents' place, but here we get visits from hedgehogs instead... XD

// -T.W-

Wanda's Wings said...

What a frisky like guy you have captured.

Melisa said...

I love sketches from life and this one is wonderful! Squirrels are so funny to watch.

Della said...

This is a great sketch! You are quite the artist Linda! I only wish I could draw half as well as you.

Sinderella's Studio said...

love the sketch...I find squirrels so entertaining.
cheers, dana

Sheryl Hastings said...

Very nice! I love watching wildlife. The animal kingdom is an art all in it's own!

Memories for Life said...

What a cutie :) Love your sketch!

Erika said...

The squirrel looks like the one looking at me when I opened the back door! He had that look in his eye like I was bothering him:)

Sara elizabeth said...

Wow! You did great work, Thanks for sharing! I love it! BTW, if you have etsy coupon you can share your coupon at