Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's the Season for Pink!

It's time to think PINK!!  It's September!  The Susan G Koman Race for the Cure Walk is the 18th here in my hometown.  Do you have one scheduled in your city?  Here's a link to find one near you.   As a Breast Cancer survivor, I am always grateful when funds are raised to find the cure!  Find a walk near you and participate!!

Also, that's why I am so excited to find Pink Saturday Link Party over at How Sweet the Sound blog 

I make Breast Cancer Awareness quilts.  They are made with a crazy quilt block with a white center sporting a pink ribbon.  It is my hope that  these quilts will encourage those battling the disease; or trying to remember to take care of themselves;, or remembering a loved one lost. They are available in my shop or at this listing.

Here's the link for the Saturday Pink Party.  Visit some of the other participants, I'm sure they will appreciate a visit.  Thanks! 


Kathleen said...

Beautiful quilt! Praying for lots of success with your walk!

SarahBeth said...

Beautiful -- as are all of your quilts!
Thanks for stopping by my Pink Saturday -- you'll have to post pics of your lighthouse collection sometime!

pinkkandy said...

It's another Pink Saturday...and I pray each one of you will have a great week-end..and even some pink sugary fun! God Bless you

Memories for Life said...

Your quilts are beautiful! And go toward such a great cause!

Erika said...

I love pink! I look forward to it each fall when the stores get ready--I feel like my little purchase, no matter how small, can make a difference!

Splendid Little Stars said...

Your quilts are wonderful!
Yes, there's a walk near me and I believe I will go--September 24 (now that I know I'll be in town). I did this walk last year with friends and it was so much fun! a party!
I tie dye pink shirts and donate some of the profits to breast cancer research. This year I'll take that money and donate it under my friend Rachel's (a breast cancer survivor) name so she can belong to the inner circle.