It's National Sewing Month and my sewing machine finally "bit the dust"! It had a good long life; I've had it since about 1979. I gave away my sewing machine kitty (designated savings) to a family that was short on rent money, due to a lost job. (They have since gotten back on their feet! Yay!) I did a side job, but will not be paid for about 30-45 days. So what does a textile artist do besides the mending? Well. . . .
There is more to sewing than a sewing machine.
Or grab your scissors and some fabric scraps and make yo yos!!!
Yo yo tree wall hanging that I am working on for Christmas
Embroidery accents sewn on |
It's fun and creative! And it's what I am doing lately,
until I get a new machine :)
Way to look on the bright side :) Sorry to hear about your sewing machine, but I'm glad you're finding fun things to make in the mean time.
Love the yo yo wall hanging!
I'm sorry to hear about your sewing machine, but from the sounds of it - it served you well over the years! I like how you are finding other ways to be creative without it :)
So sorry to hear about your sewing machine. :( I agree with Kaili that it sounds like it did well for you. I'm glad that you're finding so many other projects to keep your sewing fix satisfied until you get a new machine.
Awh, what a good deed! I'm sure it will be return to you, and hopefully you'll be able to work around or get a new machine soon!
You found a creative way around the loss. The Christmas yo yo wall hanging is very pretty!
I hope a new sewing machine is in your near future.
Your yoyo tree wall hanging is wonderful -- I love the touches of embroidery. Hope you can replace your machine soon!
Sorry to hear about your sewing machine, but the yo-yos are great!
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