Saturday, May 23, 2009

Elementry Readers!

One of my granddaughters is in the sixth grade and loves to read! (Her mom has been known to stay up nearly all night "finishing" a book--her aunt too!) Anyway, recently I gave Kayleigh and her sister, Taylor, a couple of my handmade ribbon bookmarks. Apparently Kayleigh takes her book with her everywhere and her school friend, Mark, liked the bookmark so much that she asked me for another one for him. I had only one in stock that was not girlish, so she took it for her buddy.

This little story is so inspiring to me, because usually this age kid is not into reading! It's more like constant video games and wii. Now, don't get me wrong, Kayleigh is definitely a "techie" who knows all about computers and games and videos but when a little thing like a bookmark is a "sharable item" with one's elementary friends----that's inspiring to grandma! There are so many good books available for young readers, that it is just too bad when young people spend the bulk of their time with games---that's just a grandmother's opinion!

Check out Kayleigh's book recommendation listed in the 'Books I Recommend' section in the right column.

1 comment:

Splendid Little Stars said...

When I was young I loved to read and read and read. I would read under the covers at night with a flashlight. (Oh no, is reading books becoming a lost art?)