Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday Card Making Tutorial

As promised, Thursday is Card Making Day!

Today we will be making a birthday card.  This one will be good for the older person in your life, or, you can make it comical for a younger person.  Start with a purchased card blank or make your own from cardstock (This one has decorated cut edges using a deco scissors.)  Then gather some old photos of your family or whatever you have.  We didn't want to cut up our photos, so I copied them on our printer, for a paper copy that I could cut up. 

With a matching piece of cardstock or card blank, I cut out a simple frame.   Started cutting in the middle of the paper, cutting out the inside of the frame.  Round the corners.

Although I did not, at first decorate my frame, although you could stamp it like this one: (stamped with a Happy Birthday stamp.)

Cut the paper picture to fit the frame and glue to the back of the frame.  For the background of the card, I gathered some wide lace, cutting it and fitting and pasting it to the card. 

I added a simple bow to the top (because I like them) and finished the frame with some hand penciled coloring of scrolls and flowers for the finished product. 

I used this card to send to my mother, on her birthday this week.  She is 83 and I am a few years younger, (but old myself!), so I thought this would be appropriate for the both of us!  I know she will laugh at the insinuated meaning of us both being old!  :)  hee hee! 


Memories for Life said...

Great card :) I love the lace as a backdrop for the photo!

Anonymous said...

Love the card! Very pretty. Thanks for sharing! =)

Crystal said...

Wonderful tutorial. I love the card! :-)

Linda B said...

Great idea, Linda

storybeader said...

that turned out so nice! Good idea to copy the photo! {:-D

Mary Marcotte said...

Great tutorial...very easy to understand! Thanks!

Splendid Little Stars said...

That is a great card! so pretty! Happy Birthday to your mother!

Erika said...

The card is beautiful! I like how you added the lace and bow.
(you ought to show this off in link parties!)

lori vliegen said...

fabulous card.....thanks for the great tutorial!! :))

Mary C. Nasser said...

Wonderful tutorial!
I love making cards, too!

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