I have decided to do a card making tutorial every Thursday throughout the summer! Follow me on Thursday's for ideas and inspiration in making your own greeting cards!!
I also had some card blanks, that I picked up at the local craft store for a buck. You wouldn't have to use a pre-bought one, you could make your card from any color card stock paper that you might have. Cut the edges with one of your fancy cutters to make it look finished.
Pasted on the card, they look like this:
Then for the scrappy part! I went to my scrap drawer--yes, I have one in my plastic craft chest, top drawer! I pulled out a handful of scraps, including a piece of gold cording, yellow bias binding, ribbon, gold and bronze trim, and a little package of pressed flowers that I bought years ago at a craft sale!
And, voila! Here is the finished collage product, which I am quite proud! What cost me a few pennies, would have cost about $4.00 at the card store. And I am sure I will be happy to give this little card and someone will be happy to get it!
What have you done lately with your "scraps"?
This is just beautiful. I love how you gave all the steps and the progression was amazing! And all from scraps too! Thanks for sharing! :-)
Very cute! So original looking. :) :) Sea Marie
Beautiful card and great idea. I have been printing out my own cards from a greeting card program but this looks a lot funner.
This came together nicely :)
I save all my scraps too...need to start using them!
A very unique way of using scraps successfully. My scraps are safely tucked away in the 'scrap bucket' untilI find time to . . . . ummmm. . . . . Blessings, Janet
That's so pretty and a way to use up scaps. Recycling, love it.
What a beautiful idea! Thanks for sharing =)
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