This afternoon, after my near meltdown, my husband took me on a walk by the river. The path was on the bluff above the river. And believe me, He didn't want to give me a push and I didn't want to jump! (a little humor :) Anyway, it was a crisp blustery autumn day. We watched the river from a path-side bench, spying out the deeper channel courses and the sandy bars. We made an imaginary route of how we would cross the river, if we had to, like the pioneers of old. We noticed the rock formations, some water smoothed granite boulders and oddly enough, a side bar of what looked like sandstone! From my geology class days, these two seemed an unlikely duo for a river bed.

We enjoyed all the foliage in various stages of fall decay and color. We had a good time identifying trees, i.e. maples, oaks, evergreens, dogwood, sycamore and a few we couldn't identify. Suffice it to say, it was a wonderful afternoon, and it averted what would have been a lousy afternoon. My husband is really pretty savvy about how to deal with his out of sorts wife! It was a great date!
A walk by the river can certainly do wonders. Glad you and your husband had a nice time enjoying the beautiful scenery!
Great way to spend an afternoon. I'm wondering, Which river?
Beautiful photos - looks like it was a refreshing walk in more than one way.
I could feel the day through your photo's and words...
Though I would have been "in" the river searching for stones and special teasures...even if I have to poke through ice...that's my crazy wonderfilled addition to a wonderfilled day! :o)
Beautiful Photos.. lovely time..
good idea, to walk with nature when life is getting you down. I love water, and the river is beautiful. Pretty fall foliage too! {:-D
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