Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Sketches - Dandelion

It's Sunday Sketches time again!  This sketch goes with a "small Stone"  that I wrote yesterday:

Tiny seeds flying from their source. 
Floating, flirting, riding the thermals. 
Where will the landing be? 
Arbitrarily random?

Then, check out the other Sunday Sketches participants found in Sophia's BlueChairDiary.  Enjoy!


Heather said...

....beautiful and free. reminds me of summertime! nice job capturing the essence of the dandelion! happy sunday! xxoo

Unknown said...

Love your dandelion drawing...can't wait for summer and to blow on dandelions and send the fairies girls and I always said they were little fairies waiting to be idea where the idea came from but there it is...have a good sunday...

Marlene said...

Linda, this is a wonderful sketch. You really captured the movement of the seeds on the wind.

Christine said...

a dandelion is really just a beautiful flower, isn't it? Thanks for showing me that. I usually pluck them fiercely out of my lawn!

Kristin Dudish said...

This delicate drawing makes me long for spring!

Helen said...

Lovely can almost feel the breeze in the air!

CountryDreaming said...

A burst of whimsical loveliness!

Unknown said...

Hi Linda!!! love this piece....I know we hate weeds in our grass but to me they look so neat...especially when they go to seed....and you can pick them and blow them all away!!!

Sinderella's Studio said...

dandelions are still a favorite! I love picking them and blowing wishes into the wind!
cheers, dana

Jenn Bower said...

I am a HUG fan of pen/ink line work. This is lovely. Great movement.

m7 said...

i like ur bolg!

Heather Foust said...

I love danelions! Ahhh can't wait for summertime!

hey bro! said...

Love the look of this. The wind-swept seeds look so beautiful and natural~

Tammie Lee said...

hello Linda,

I love dandies and yours is a wonderful sketch!

Morph Waffle said...

Lovely drawing, great lines!

EVA said...

Ah dandelions - a love/hate relationship!

Great sketch!!

Debbie said...

your cute sketch makes me long for summer!

GalleryJuana said...

truly beautiful sketch. I love the line work here.

Sarah said...

Great drawing! Thank you for sharing.

Julia Christie said...

Hi Linda - makes me long for spring!!! Can't believe I would be happy to see a dandelion, but I happen to love their happy color!

Smiles and thanks for the visit.

budh.aaah said...

Oh wow!

MS Raghav said...

very simple and that's what it makes so beautiful