Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 4 and Craft Show Prep

My daughter helping me at a past show

Today is my youngest daughter's birthday! She often helps me with craft shows.  Bless her! and Happy B-Day Suzanne!

It's Friday and I am busy! Big craft show, a new one for me, on Saturday.  I've been making sure that everything that I have is priced, so there will be no questions on my own part when several people are in my face and asking prices.  I don't mean that customers "in my face" is a negative thing, but when you are by yourself, helping customers, holding conversations and watching for anything amiss, it is hard to keep everything in your head.  I have made  mistakes quoting prices under pressure, in the past and have cut myself short!  Not this time! 

I store merchandise in water proof containers with tight fitting lids.  I don't always sort my items, AFTER a show, and so I spent time today sorting my merchandise, taking out those items that I do not want to display.  I am leaving several types of items at home.  It's kinda like "less is more."  I have also been guilty of 'taking everything I own'.  Not this time!

THIS TIME, I will be using a new item in my sales process.  I have ordered a Square card reader, which my son recommended.  He uses it when he does trade shows for his magazine.  The same day I saw a blog post on it.  When I did the research, I was sold.  I'll let you know how it performs.  I am hoping that it will give me the ability to make larger dollar sales, not just nickle and dime sales from customers on a strict cash budget.  We'll see!

Enough of that!  Today is also Day 4 of my 'Birthdays and Anniversary Sale' in my Design shop. Here's Friday's Daily Special:

Fancy velvet look evening pouch with long strap 

Hurry, this half price item will only be on sale on Friday--Friday ONLY!  When it's gone, it's gone!

Any tips for craft sales?


OnePerfectDay said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter!
It sure must be hectic around there today!

OnePerfectDay said...

Oh,and Good Luck at the show!

Splendid Little Stars said...

Good luck with your show, Linda! I'm curious to see how the card reader works for you.
Happy Birthday to Suzanne!

Erika said...

Best of luck with the show. I look forward to hearing how the card reader worked for you.


Anonymous said...

Good luck Linda! No tips here as I'm a craft show virgin, but hopefully you do so well!